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Feedback for Continuous Improvement in the Classroom: Linking Equity and Excellence

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Interview with Dr. Brent Duckor, SJSU Professor of Teacher Education, and GEA Board Advisor.

Dr. Brent Duckor, a respected educator and a valued Board Advisor at GEA, brings a wealth of expertise to GEA. He currently plays a pivotal role in guiding our learning outcomes assessment at GEA.

In this short interview he discusses Feedback for Continuous Improvement in the Classroom: New Perspectives, Practices, and Possibilities (Corwin, 2023), a book he wrote with Dr. Carrie Holmberg.

Dr. Duckor is a professor in the Department of Teacher Education at San José State University and also serves as a core faculty member in the Ed.D. Educational Leadership program at the Lurie College of Education.

He taught government, economics, and history at Central Park East Secondary School in New York City in the 1990s. With the passage of No Child Left Behind, Brent returned to earn a doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley and study educational measurement, testing, and assessment in the Quantitative Methods and Evaluation program at the Graduate School of Education.

Brent’s research on formative assessment and teachers’ understanding and use of classroom assessment is informed by his work as a former high school teacher at a nationally renowned East Harlem high school in New York City. He has worked to support innovation in assessment in state, national, and international contexts and serves as a Fulbright Specialist to support global assessment reform. His scholarship, teaching, and consulting work with Validity Partners seeks to integrate a developmental perspective on teachers’ and students’ growth and empowerment.

Once an avid windsurfer, Brent now enjoys long walks and exploring the Pacific Northwest and the Columbia River Gorge with his wife, Barbara.

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